Deploying your applications on IIS (Windows OS)

Deploying your applications on IIS (Windows OS)

Getting started with IIS

Applications written in Microsoft languages such as C# and Visual Basic; will need to be deployed on an IIS(Internet Information Services) server. After finishing your application, go to the machine or the machine you are supposed to deploy on. Go into the Search box and type IIS. You will see a screen like the one below.


Go on Sites and you will see available folders/applications. Take your application folder and go to your C: disk, then inetpub. You will see a folder called wwwroot. Put your application folder in wwwroot.

Going back to IIS , go in sites, and you should see your application folder there. Right-click on your app folder and choose convert to application. On the application pool, you can select Default application pool or create yours. To create an application pool, check my other article titled Create an application pool in IIS. To browse your application, go to IIS and right-click, choose Manage Application, then click on Browse.

Congratulations! you have just deployed your windows application on IIS.